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August Happenings in RTP


Triangle Community Foundation is moving to RTP!
Last week it was announced that Triangle Community Foundation is moving to The Frontier in Research Triangle Park. The nonprofit will be moving into their new space in October!
Read More: http://www.rtp.org/triangle-community-foundation-announces-move-to-frontier/

RTP Food Truck Rodeo sponsored by Fidelity Investments
Each Friday, The Frontier

Each Friday you can grab lunch at our Fidelity Food Truck Rodeo at 800 Park Offices Drive. From 11:30am – 1:30pm there will be tastiness in the middle of RTP. The trucks change weekly so show up hungry and bring your friends!
View the weekly truck lineup here: http://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-food-truck-rodeo/

Wake Transit Ballot Initiative
November 8, Polling Places in Wake County

This November, Wake County residents will be able to vote for much more than the next president. A massive transit initiative will also be on the ballot, and you owe it to yourself (and your fellow commuters) to become educated about the proposed plan.
For more info, click here: http://letsgetmoving.org/priorities/transit/wake-transit/

Social Media Strategy Session
August 9, The Frontier

In these sessions we’ll dive deep into social media platforms to develop action plans that get measurable results. After the series, you can stop wasting time on activities that don’t work. So, if you’re ready to get serious about your social media marketing effort, and want to do it effectively, register for the Social Media Strategy Sessions.
Learn More: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-media-strategy-sessions-tickets-26262569051

RTP Stories: A new podcast!
The RTP has launched a new podcast, and we invite you to listen along! Called RTP Stories, our first series takes a look at the many ways employees get to work each day. Surprisingly, there’s much more to it than solo drivers on I40.
Take a listen: https://soundcloud.com/thertp/sets/rtp-stories

Pups N Trucks
August 12, The Frontier

What better way to end your work week than with puppies? Our friends at Pawfect Match Rescue & Rehabilitation will be bringing some playful friends to the RTP Food Truck Rodeo. All pups present will be available for adoption. Pets improve both your mental and physical health, so grab a bite to eat and come play with some adoptable dogs!
Check out available pups here: http://www.pawfectmatch.org/

RTPfit Class Schedule Update
On August 15th, RTPfit classes at The Frontier will resume normal schedule. We’re still finalizing the days and times for specific classes, so be sure to check our website for full details as the date nears!
More information: http://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-fit/

Triangle TechBreakfast
August 18, NCSU Centennial Campus

Interact with your peers in a monthly morning breakfast meetup. At this monthly breakfast get-together techies, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs learn from their peers through show and tell / show-case style presentations. And yes, this is free!
Register here: http://www.meetup.com/Triangle-TechBreakfast/events/226910775/

RTP 180: Developing Nations, Developing Tech
August 18, The Frontier

Across the globe, developing nations are beginning to harness the power of technology to help overcome their unique challenges. At August’s RTP 180, we’ll hear from organizations here in the Triangle that actively work to assist nations through innovative ideas and problem solving.
Tickets go live on August 11!

Global Carolina Connections Conference on Foreign Direct Investment in the Carolinas
August 18, State Club @ NCSU Centennial Campus

Global Carolina Connections is the premier conference on foreign direct investment and international manufacturing in the Carolinas. Global Carolina Connections is not only bringing international manufacturers together – it is also helping the Carolinas write the book on how to keep those companies here and keep them expanding.
Get Tickets here: http://www.globalcarolinaconnections.com/register

Happy Hour at the RTP, on the RTP
August 4, 11, & 25, The Frontier

Don’t like traffic? Like free pours from Bombshell Brewing and the company of friends? Join us from 4:30pm – 6:30pm and avoid waiting in the I-40 parking lot. Each Thursday that there’s NOT a RTP 180 there’s music and general merriment inside The Frontier over at 800 Park Offices Drive. See ya then! http://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-happy-hour/

Triangle Children’s Business Fair
August 20, Village Market Place

The first and largest of its kind entrepreneurship event for children, the Triangle Children’s Business Fair will feature over 100 kids who will be working in partnership. Kids between the ages of 6-14 will be presenting their 50 businesses in the food & beverage, technology, arts & crafts, pet care and additional categories.
For more information, visit http://www.trianglecbf.com/

2016 NCPMI Annual Conference
August 22 | Raleigh Convention Center

The 2016 North Carolina’s Project Management Institute’s Annual Conference is the premier event to introduce the latest and greatest practices, tools, and techniques in the project management profession. Each year, this event brings together project management organizations, providers, partners, and thought leaders from around the region to gain new knowledge, network with their peers, and understand the future focus of the profession.
Register: http://www.cvent.com/events/2016-ncpmi-annual-conference/event-summary-a11b4fc39f2942ee8fb817d068d8c7e9.aspx

NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Program
August 23 & 24, Downtown Raleigh

All are invited to attend this Symposium which will introduce NASA’s Phase I and Phase II Research Fellows’ multidisciplinary research. Exciting keynote presentations will be given from experts in aeronautics and advanced technologies and further information will be discussed regarding the latest news about NIAC’s exciting progress and plans.
Register for free here: http://www.regonline.com/2016niacsymposium

5th Annual Innovate Raleigh Summit
August 25, Nash Hall

Our annual event convening entrepreneurs, business executives, local officials, educators + students. This year, we’re aimed at exploring Placemaking, Sustainability + Transportation. The Summit will feature four sessions that speak to the aspirational ideas and practical benefits of fostering a ‘greater good’ approach to business and community.
Tickets here: http://innovateraleigh.com/events/2016/8/25/5th-annual-innovate-raleigh-summit

NC State Executive Education Presents FastTrack Series
August 26, RTP HQ

Learn how to sell your ideas more effectively to internal and external clients. Participants will learn how to use tools for building a business model, communicating this effectively with senior leaders/funders and improve their success rate with research-based techniques of persuasion.
More Info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fasttrack-value-propositions-and-elevator-pitches-tickets-22462561125

1 Million Cups
Each Wednesday, The Frontier

Let’s share some coffee together! Come out and join your fellow entrepreneurs, mentors and startups-at-large for Kauffman Labs’ 1 Million Cups. The Research Triangle Park will be hosting Kauffman Foundation’s 1MC each Wednesday at The Frontier. To attend, or sign up your startup to present, visit http://www.1millioncups.com./rtp

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