RTP Food Truck Rodeo sponsored by Fidelity Investments
Each Friday, The Frontier
Each Friday you can grab lunch at our Fidelity Food Truck Rodeos at 800 Park Offices Drive. From 11:30am – 1:30pm there will be tastiness in the middle of RTP. The trucks will change weekly so show up hungry and bring your friends!
View the weekly truck lineup here: http://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-food-truck-rodeo/
Celebrate The Frontier’s 1st Anniversary
Jan. 19 – 22, The Frontier
Can you believe that just one short year ago, RTP launched The Frontier? So much has changed since then, and we’d like to celebrate a year of wins with you. Special items and activities will be unveiled each day of the week, so be sure to stop by and see the action for yourself!
The Nature of Science: A Town Hall with Greg Fishel
Jan. 14, Museum of Natural Sciences
Forging a sustainable future, both globally and locally, depends on the United Nations and institutions like universities and museums working in new ways to build a public base of science-related knowledge. Join WRAL Chief Meteorologist Greg Fishel and his three guests — Ramu Damodaran, Chief of the United Nations Academic Impact; Lori Foster, Professor of Psychology at NC State University and Fellow with the White House Social and Behavioral Sciences Team; and Emlyn Koster, Director of the NC Museum of Natural Sciences — for the Museum series, “The Nature of Science: A Town Hall with Greg Fishel.”
Full Details: http://naturalsciences.org/calendar/event/forging-a-sustainable-future-a-town-hall-hosted-by-greg-fishel/
RTP Fit – New Classes for 2016!
Begins Jan. 11, The Frontier
RTP is getting serious about fitness in the New Year! Join us at The Frontier each week for classes that run Monday-Thursday. 2016 will see the return of 2 favorites (Cardio and Yoga) and the introduction of two new classes. Here’s the lineup we’ve got planned:
Mondays – RTP Cardio, 4:45-5:30 | Athletic drills and interval training
Tuesdays – RTP Core Challenge (New!), 11:30-12:30 | A mix of core strength, stretching and balance that incorporates elements of Yoga, Pilates, barre, and mat work
Wednesdays – RTP Yoga, 11:30-12:30 | A basic-to-intermediate level class, linking breath and movement, flowing through the various poses
Thursdays – RTP Muscle Madness (New!), 11:30-12:30 | Body sculpting and toning through a mix of dumbbells, resistance bands, medicine balls and body weight exercises.
All classes are free, courtesy of RTP, and there is no need to register – just show up ready to work hard. Find out more about fitness classes and similar programs at http://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-fit/
Apply: American Underground ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’
Through their partnership with Google for Entrepreneurs and CODE2040 , AU is once again offering their ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’ program to help lead diversity efforts. The program provides fellowships to African American or Latino entrepreneurs by providing resources to help build and grow their company.
More Information: http://www.code2040.org/eir-application-info
Happy Hour at the RTP, on the RTP
Jan. 7, 14 & 28 at The Frontier
Don’t like traffic? Like free pours from Bombshell Brewing and the company of friends? Join us from 4:30pm – 6:30pm and avoid waiting in the I-40 parking lot. Each Thursday that there’s NOT a RTP 180 there’s music and general merriment inside The Frontier over at 800 Park Offices Drive. See ya then!
RTP 180: Triangle Makers & DIYers
Jan. 21, The Frontier
The Triangle is bursting with individuals and companies that are focused on celebrating the art of DIY and the making of creative contraptions. January’s RTP 180 will highlight area success stories along with the spaces that allow users to get their creation on. So, come out and join us for our first RTP 180 of 2016! This is an extra special event, as it marks the one year anniversary of The Frontier being in operation. (Expect some special treats!)
Tickets go live on 1/7: http://www.rtp.org/event/january-rtp-180/
CED Tech Venture Conference
March 1 – 2 *Early Registration Rates until Jan. 8*
As an attendee of the CED Life Science Conference, you’ll meet innovative thinkers and companies from across the life science landscape, representing biotech, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, digital health, diagnostics, drug delivery, and AgBio. The conference features a first-in-class program agenda, a demo room for emerging companies and university tech transfer groups, special workshops & content for entrepreneurs, and ample networking for the vibrant life science community that exists in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina.
Register: http://cednc.org/LSC?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=LSC16
Tinkering and Drinkering
Jan. 12, Museum of Life and Science
Bring a friend, grab a beer, and start making stuff at the Museum of Life and Science’s tinkering happy hour! Whether you’re an amateur engineer or a master maker, we’ll have tools and technology for you to tinker with, from circuit bending to fiber arts.
Get the Scoop: http://lifeandscience.org/calendar/event-details/?id=3142
Scores & Scholarships–SAT & ACT Seminar
Jan. 13, The Frontier
Is your high school student ready for the SAT and ACT? Join us at this lunchtime seminar to learn more about the ACT and SAT, and to get answers to your questions about college admissions tests.
More Info: http://aplushigherscores.com/scores-scholarships-sat-act-lunchtime-seminar-in-rtp/
Durham Young Professionals Network Launch
Jan. 13, The Frontier
It’s official! The Durham Young Professionals Network is launching in January 2016. The Durham YPN is an organization devoted to the personal and professional growth of young professionals (ages 21-39) in and around Durham and Research Triangle Park. Join us for our Launch Party from 5:30pm – 8:00pm at The Frontier! This social will be a great intro to the group for anyone that’s interested.
RSVP: http://durhamypn.eventbrite.com
Citizen Schools’ Super WOW!
Jan. 19, The Frontier
Join us on January 19 to celebrate another successful semester of Citizen Schools programming at Githens, Lowe’s Grove, and Neal Middle Schools. Students from each of the campuses will present the apprenticeships they participated in during the Fall semester and we will take time to thank the organizations, volunteers, and staff who continue to make Citizen Schools NC a success.
Learn More: http://www.citizenschools.org/event/super-wow-2015/
Power of Creativity – Attitude Sessions
Jan 19 & 20, The Frontier
Start your New Year out right! Come have some FUN during your workday by exercising and developing your creative ability for workplace flexibility, innovation, and productivity. These interactive sessions are FREE for a limited time during the 1st Quarter of 2016. January’s topic will focus on strengthening skills for positive attitude through creativity games.
Register: http://www.posadoodlepoint.com/
Triangle Startup Weekend: Social Impact
Feb. 5 – 7, The Frontier
In one weekend, you can create, innovate, and develop ways to make a difference on a community that matters to you. You’ll connect with people who share similar passions and hear from Kevin Trapani, CEO of The Redwoods Group, which is recognized as one of the most innovate socially conscious for-profit companies in the US. Join us for a jam-packed weekend to develop ideas that will improve our communities for the better. Register now for just $75 when you use the code ‘US2020.’
Learn More: http://bit.ly/TSWSocialImpact
Emerging Issues Forum: Future of Work
Feb. 8 -9, Raleigh Convention Center & Centennial Campus
As technology and demography shift, how can North Carolina prepare today to create enough good jobs for tomorrow? That’s the question that will be posed at the 31st Emerging Issues Forum. Join leaders and learners from every North Carolina sector, region, and point of view. We welcome stakeholders and all members of the general public.
Register: https://iei.ncsu.edu/FutureWork/
1 Million Cups
Now *Every* Wednesday, The Frontier
Let’s share some coffee together! Come out and join your fellow entrepreneurs, mentors and startups-at-large for Kauffman Labs’ 1 Million Cups. The Research Triangle Park will be hosting Kauffman Foundation’s 1MC each Wednesday at The Frontier. To attend, or sign up your startup to present, visit http://www.1millioncups.com./rtp
Fortify Update
Streets of I40 & I440
Want to stay in the know about the construction occurring along one of North Carolina’s main thoroughfares? Check out the links below to stay up to date on the latest lane shifts, closures and progress.
NCDOT: www.ncdot.gov/fortifync
Alternate Modes of Transportation: www.my40ride.com
Tweet @TheRTP.
Are you following @TheRTP on Twitter? You should be – we love sharing the awesomeness that is our community with you. Got something to share? Include us in the Tweet and we’ll give you a shout out on our 22k+ network! Out and about? Use these hashtags and show up in our Discover tab with the Triangle’s finest: #theRTP, #RTPlife, #RTPstartups
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