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Enjoy December in RTP

Check out all the fun happening between now and the end of 2015! The Research Triangle Park and the Triangle are anything but sleepy this holiday season – enjoy it!

RTP 180: Food 2.0
Dec. 17, The Frontier
If there’s one thing that binds all the RTP staff, it’s our love of FOOD! Given that this time of year is flush with culinary opportunity, we deiced on a flavorful topic for our last RTP 180 of 2015. We’ve lined up a group of speakers that will educate, enlighten and expound on the many intricacies of our how society’s relationship with food continues to evolve and change.
Sign Up: https://rtp180food2.eventbrite.com

RTP Mistletoe Market
Dec. 10, The Frontier Atrium

If you’re a perpetual late holiday shopper, we’re here to help you out by bringing the shopping to you! For the first time, we’ll be hosting a free Holiday Market in RTP. Grab a drink at Happy Hour and head to the atrium to browse our mix of local and socially impactful goods. Everything from jewelry, to art, and everything in between will be on display for purchase.
Full Info: http://www.rtp.org/event/rtp-mistletoe-market/

Holiday Hours Update
Please Take Note of the Following:

     The Frontier is closed Dec. 24, 25, 31 & Jan. 1
     No Food Truck Rodeo Dec. 25 or Jan. 1
     No Happy Hour Dec. 24 or 31

RTP Food Truck Rodeo sponsored by Fidelity Investments
Each Friday, The Frontier

Each Friday you can grab lunch at our Fidelity Food Truck Rodeos at 800 Park Offices Drive. From 11:30am – 1:30pm there will be tastiness in the middle of RTP. The trucks will change weekly so show up hungry and bring your friends!
*Special Update* Wear an ugly Christmas sweater to the rodeo on 12/11 and get $5 off your purchase!
View the weekly truck lineup here: http://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-food-truck-rodeo/

Wake Transit Plan Drop In Session
Dec. 8, Raleigh Convention Center

The Wake County Transit Plan partners and consultants are currently completing work on the Recommended Wake County Transit Plan. Interested citizens are encouraged to come to an open house on Dec. 8 from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Raleigh Convention Center to learn more about the proposed plan. There is no formal presentation; drop by any time during the event to ask questions of staff and gain a better understanding of the benefits.
Find Out More: http://www.waketransit.com/category/updates/

RTP Art Show: Call for Artists
Deadline: Dec. 21

The Research Triangle Foundation has partnered with Triangle ArtWorks on the first RTP Employee Art Exhibition, and we need your submissions! Any RTP employee is eligible to submit pieces to this exhibit. Dr. Larry Wheeler of the NC Museum of Art will be the sole juror, and there will be cash prizes awarded. Don’t miss this opportunity to show off your creative side!
Full Details: http://www.rtp.org/event/deadline-rtp-juried-art-show/

From the Underground to the Archive: Girl Zines, Feminist Networks, & the Politics of Memory
Dec. 10, National Humanities Center

In the early 1990s, a certain cohort of dissident, non-conforming girls turned to self-publishing to express their deep dissatisfaction with conservative reaffirmations of normative femininity. Calling themselves “Riot Grrrls” after several influential all-girl punk bands, they crafted handmade publications known as “zines” in order to voice their disaffection and to think through alternative ways of being in the world.
Sign Up: http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/news-and-events/coming-events/event-registration/

Finding Solutions Through Science, Scholars and Survivors
Dec. 16, William & Ida Friday Center, UNC-CH

This luncheon benefits the Susan G. Komen North Carolina Triangle to the Coast chapter, and will highlight groundbreaking breast cancer research happening right here in our community. This year keynotes will include Susan G. Komen Chief Scientific Advisor Dr. Eric P. Winer of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, along with Komen Scholar Dr. Lisa A. Carey of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and Komen Scholar Dr. Neil L. Spector of Duke University School of Medicine.
Register: http://komennctc.org/events/finding-solutions-through-science-scholars-and-survivors-2/

Bunker Labs RDU Launch
Dec. 8, The Frontier

Bunker Labs RDU is the newest chapter of Bunker Labs, a national network of veteran business incubators, headquartered in Chicago. To learn more about Bunker Labs RDU and how you can support their programs, you’re invited to attend their launch at The Frontier. At the event you will have the opportunity to hear more about the program from Todd Connor, Bunker Labs Founder & CEO; Bob Geolas, President & CEO of the Research Triangle Foundation and Dean Bundschu, Executive Director of Bunker Labs RDU.
Sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bunker-labs-rdu-launch-event-tickets-19525750044?aff=es2

Alexandria Announces RTP Expansion Effort
Alexandria Real Estate Equities has unveiled plans to transform 6 Davis Drive into a 56 acre campus for life science and agricultural technology companies. This project will be called the Alexandria Center for Science, Technology, and Agriculture and will utilize 1 million square feet of space and 10+ years of development.
Read the Full Article: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article46298310.html

Happy Hour at the RTP, on the RTP              
Dec. 3 & 10 at The Frontier

Don’t like traffic? Like free pours from Bombshell Brewing and the company of friends? Join us from 4:30pm – 6:30pm and avoid waiting in the I-40 parking lot. Each Thursday that there’s NOT a RTP 180 there’s music and general merriment inside The Frontier over at 800 Park Offices Drive. See ya then!

Fortify Update
Streets of I40 & I440

Want to stay in the know about the construction occurring along one of North Carolina’s main thoroughfares? Check out the links below to stay up to date on the latest lane shifts, closures and progress.
NCDOT: www.ncdot.gov/fortifync
Alternate Modes of Transportation: www.my40ride.com

Come Experience The Frontier
Anytime You’d Like

In January The Frontier will turn 1! If you haven’t come to check it out yet, we invite you to visit this awesome environment for yourself. To celebrate The Frontier’s anniversary, there will be fun events happening throughout the month. Stay tuned for what we have in store. In the meantime, stop by and say hello. We’re open from 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday.

Tweet @TheRTP.
Are you following @TheRTP on Twitter? You should be – we love sharing the awesomeness that is our community with you. Got something to share? Include us in the Tweet and we’ll give you a shout out on our 22k+ network! Out and about? Use this hashtags and show up in our Discover tab with the Triangle’s finest: #theRTP, #RTPlife, #RTPstartups

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